Patient Education For Dads And Partners Your BabyCongress May Consider Ending Two Provisions That Reduce Social Security Benefits of Public Employees.Immigration law forbids working in this country without legal authorization and a Social Security Number. Yet millions of "undocumented" immigrant workers are earning income. Illegals often get jobs by using illegally obtained, forged, or invalid Social Security numbers. Employers in turn withhold payroll taxes and report the earnings to the Social Security Administration using those numbers. When the numbers don't match up with the numbers issued by SSA, they go into a special file called the "Earnings Suspense File." Valid numbers issued from the U.S. government are also misused..An untested federal and state Medicare and Medicaid demonstration program is raising concerns that it affects too many low–income seniors, and is growing too fast. Enrollment has far exceeded early expectations and both provider, and advocacy groups are warning that its size would be hard to unwind if the demonstration fails to provide quality services and access to medically necessary services. … Continued
Report Section Ehbs 2020 Survey Design And MethodsAdopting a more accurate and adequate COLA that protects seniors against inflation;.Social Security remains strong and solvent, but only for the next 17 years. After that, it faces a shortfall, only able to pay 75 percent of its promised benefits. Rather than breaking our promise to our seniors, and forcing retirees to shoulder benefit cuts that some have proposed across the board cuts, inadequate cost of living adjustments, and privatization Congress should instead work together to keep America's word and strengthen Social Security..While the bill did win approval by the Appropriations Subcommittee this week, its future remains uncertain. Typically, bills that are advanced by Appropriations Subcommittees on Tuesdays are considered by the full Committee on Thursdays. However, the Labor-HHS-Education bill is not currently on the schedule, and Sen. Tom Harkin Chairman of the Subcommittee has said "there are no plans" for a full Committee markup. Some are speculating that, with the November elections looming, lawmakers are hoping to avoid the politically tough votes on amendments that come along with Labor-HHS-Education spending packages. … Continued