Use Of Health Mental Health And Wellness Tools To Help Kids At Home Jumps 160The Social Security Notch is the unexpectedly steep drop in benefits that affects people born from 1917 through 192This generation of seniors receives lower benefits than other seniors who had nearly identical work and earnings histories..Years later, those earnings records may be accessed when a non-citizen files a claim for Social Security benefits..By Representative Mike Garcia … Continued
Prevent Manipedi Is It Time To Take A BreatherA lot is at stake. Members of Congress and President Obama have been considering cuts to Social Security cost-of-living adjustments to lower government spending cuts that still remain on the bargaining table. In addition, the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund will be fully exhausted in just three years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. An immigration amnesty would give new access to Social Security for an estimated 11.5 illegal immigrants currently in the U.S., who would become eligible for benefits that potentially include credit for earnings under fraudulent Social Security numbers..TSCL would like to thank Representatives Kristi Noem, Sean Duffy, and Mick Mulvaney for taking the time discuss the issues that matter the most to our members and supporters. TSCL also met with top staffers in the offices of the following Members of Congress: Jim Matheson, Linda Sanchez, Norm Dicks, Steve Stivers, William Keating, Janice Hahn, and Robert Hurt..Preventing benefit cuts. Older Americans understand the compounding effect that even the smallest benefit cut can have over the course of several years. DI beneficiaries living on fixed incomes simply cannot afford a reduction in benefits. … Continued