Minneapolis Heart Institute Patient Stories Unique Mitral Valve Surgery Helps Police Officer Return To DutyAs we've previously reported, the Senate will return for votes starting on September 15 while the House won't be back to begin voting until September 20. Various Congressional committees are back at work this week, however..Yet in deficit reduction negotiations over the past two years, both President Obama and Congressional budget negotiators proposed cutting the growth in annual cost–of–living adjustments and several Medicare measures that would increase beneficiaries' out-of-pocket costs, like higher deductibles, and new co-pays, over the same time. "Making beneficiaries pay more for their Medicare, with less income, simply isn't feasible for a large percentage of today's older Americans," says Cates. "TSCL believes that Congressional candidates could face pushback from concerned senior voters in upcoming elections," he adds..Sen. Mark Begich introduced S. 308 on February 13, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Finance. … Continued
Medicaid Issue Brief Leveraging Medicaid In A Multi Payer Medical Home Program Spotlight On Rhode Islands Chronic Care Sustainability Initiative"Social Security Administration Actuarial Score," HR. 1314, Stephen Goss, Social Security Administration Office of the Actuary, October 27, 201"Time To Close A Social Security Loophole?" Alicia H. Munnell, Market Watch, March 19, 2014..Editor's note: Telephone etiquette has changed! Ask around, and you'll probably discover that many people are letting their voice mail or answering systems screen calls. This is no longer considered rude - but acting in self - defense. Protect yourself from scam. Be defensive:.The Social Security COLA was intended to protect the buying power of older Americans who for the most part, are no longer in the workforce. The majority of retirees depend on Social Security for at least half of their income, meaning that Social Security benefits tend to be spent immediately on essentials like housing, food and healthcare returning billions of dollars to the U.S. economy every year. … Continued