Tag Family PlanningIf you've been to a pharmacy in recent years, you've no doubt noticed how drug costs are soaring - and you've probably felt the immense financial pressure of rising prices. You've also probably thought about how it is that consumers are burdened with the pain of these higher costs while the drug industry simultaneously rakes in massive profits with little to no accountability..Those in the Senate will resume work next week on the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which will have a significant impact on the health and financial security of older Americans if adopted. If Republican leaders in the Senate successfully negotiate a compromise with the most conservative and moderate members of the party, the BCRA could be signed into law before the end of this month..TSCL consists of vocally active senior citizens concerned about the protection of their Social Security, Medicare, and veteran or military retiree benefits. TSCL was first established as a special project of The Retired Enlisted Association. On January 1, 1995, TSCL became an independent 501[c][4] citizens' action organization. … Continued
Legislatures C19The new Congress has been sworn into office but little in the way of legislation regarding Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid has yet been introduced. As we all are no doubt aware, there have been other things on Congress' plate the last week or two, to say the least. But once President Biden is sworn into office this Wednesday Congress will return and the legislative season will be off and running..A study found that setting quantity limits increases sales. Shoppers who bought soup from displays with no quantity limits purchased an average of 3.3 cans of soup. Shoppers with limits of 12 purchased an average of 7 cans. Like Velcro, the quantity limit latched onto shoppers' brains..After repeated refusals over three and a half years, the federal government has released to TREA Senior Citizens League the first known public copy of the Social Security Totalization Agreement with Mexico. The Social Security Administration recently agreed to make the disclosure in response to a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act by TSCL. … Continued