Health Costs Perspective Medicare Spending Cuts And Hospital Productivity Gains.Even more surprising is what isn't showing up on the list - medical costs. The cost of medical care services still increased 2.5 times faster than the COLA, rising by 3.2 percent. That's nothing new. In many years medical costs have increased more rapidly than in 2020. Emergency coronavirus legislation last spring restricted what providers could charge for many COVID-19 related services, and large numbers of patients and their doctors postponed non-urgent care..Spanberger announced that she will be introducing a bipartisan bill this week to correct the error and make sure that senior Medicare beneficiaries will also be eligible for a free vaccine. … Continued
Interactive Health Insurance And Access To Health Care TutorialAccording to an analysis performed for TSCL, monthly benefits between 2009 and 2016 are 13% lower than they would have been if inflation had been closer to the more typical 3%. For the typical retiree with an average monthly benefit of ,117 in 2009, Social Security benefits are about 9 per month lower this year, according to the analysis. The analysis calculated that, since 2009, people with average Social Security benefits have lost ,575 in total Social Security income over the past 7 years..Doesn't Social Security pay money to many people who are not really paying into it? - L.V..For updates on the progress of the BCRA in the coming days, follow TSCL on Twitter or visit the Legislative News section of our website. For information on upcoming town hall meetings near you, click HERE. … Continued