Ear Medical Center EntThe Congressional Budget Office recently released its fall economic and budget update which estimates that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicare outlays will grow 12% over 2020, double the rate what was forecast in April. If that estimate proves to be the case, that suggests the Part B premium increase could be twice as high as the earlier forecast - about .40 per month..Under current Social Security law, that's all that's required to later claim benefits. To file for benefits, individuals don't need to be citizens, but must have a workauthorized Social Security number. Those receiving work authorization would become vested for benefits with as little as ten years of earnings. The oldest of those who are eligible for the deferred action could feasibly have worked illegally long enough to already be "vested" for Social Security — including disability. This would add to program solvency problems since the Congressional Budget Office and Social Security Trustees have estimated that the Social Security disability trust fund will be fully insolvent by 2016..The 3.8% "Medicare" net investment tax has never been received by the Medicare Part A Trust Fund, but has wound up going straight into the U.S. General Fund. That means it could be appropriated for any government spending! … Continued
Blog International C34 2The Supreme Court recently upheld the Affordable Care Act. While most people understood that the Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of the "individual mandate," many seniors may not have thought much about how the court's decision would affect Medicare. The decision maintains both new senior benefits and 0 billion in Medicare spending cuts over the next eight years. Here's a list of major provisions that affect seniors:.By Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board.Comparison shop &nash; You can often save by getting prescription medicines, flea and tick products, and heartworm preventatives through pet catalogs and internet discounters. … Continued