Blog Scotus Rules Prisoner Cant Choose Less Painful Method Of ExecutionIt's hard to know because no official government estimates seem to exist. Just how do illegal workers wind up on Social Security rolls? In order to get jobs they often provide employers with invalid, fake, or even stolen Social Security numbers. Employers withhold payroll taxes as required by law and wage reports are sent in to the Social Security Administration. If the name and Social Security number reported by employers doesn't match those in the SSA's records, the "mismatched reports are placed in an "Earnings Suspense File..For updates on the progress of the BCRA in the coming days, follow TSCL on Twitter or visit the Legislative News section of our website. For information on upcoming town hall meetings near you, click HERE..TSCL is delivering a letter of protest to Congressional leaders outlining the tax provisions that older Americans support for strengthening Social Security. What do you think of this proposal? Take a poll at. … Continued
Slideshow The Role Of Medicaid And Medicare In Womens Health Care Jama May 15 2013Why Did Dad Get a Bill for ,944 After Hospitalization for COVID-19?.of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and one of the foremost experts in the world on infectious diseases, said "the next six to 12 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic.".TSCL recently delivered letters to every Member of Congress calling on them to support legislation that would provide a more fair and adequate COLA. "Congress created the automatic COLA in 1972 to help benefits keep up with inflation. But according to our research, COLAs are failing to keep up with the rising costs seniors are facing. Since 2000 Social Security benefits have lost 30 percent of their buying power, and in the last year alone they have lost 7 percent." … Continued