Research Editorial Legal And Committee Staff Supreme Court Roundup Part 2In contrast, the Social Security benefits of American workers, are not guaranteed by law. In the Supreme Court decision, Fleming vs. Nestor, the court found that Congress can make adjustments when conditions of the Social Security systems demand and that American workers who have paid their employment taxes have no legal recourse to any of the money deposited in the Social Security Trust Fund..Changes are looming for Medicare and Social Security. Make your opinion count. Take the monthly poll on TSCL's homepage. We'll announce the results in upcoming issues of this newsletter..The Notch continues because Congress has yet to enact legislation to correct it. Notch Reform has been a highly contentious issue. In 1994 the director of the GAO testified to the Commission on the Social Security Notch saying that the Social Security Trust Fund would not have built up adequate surplus "had notch legislation been enacted at an earlier date." Over those same ten years, however, from 1995 through 2004, the federal government used more than .4 trillion in surplus Social Security revenues that could have been used to pay Notch reform benefits to fund other government spending. … Continued
Health Reform Perspective Medicare For MoreBased on your current age, your full retirement age is 6That's the age when you can retire and receive the full, unreduced amount of your benefits. If you start benefits at age 64 your benefit will be reduced 20%. For example if you are eligible for ,200 at age 66 you would only receive 0 per month at age 64..Long-term care insurance, however, has its shortcomings. It's."Social Security Sees Slowdown in Retiree Rolls Amid COVID Deaths," Alexandre Tanzi, Bloomberg News, May 3, 202"U.S. Life Expectancy Drops A Year In Pandemic, Most Since WWII," Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press, February 17, 2021. … Continued