Blog Pandemic Forces New Approaches To DentistryPresident Barak Obama included a proposal in his fiscal year 2014 budget that would have reduced Social Security benefits by using the more slowly-growing chained consumer price index to calculate the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment. An estimate produced for TSCL projects that "chaining the COLA" would cut Social Security benefits by about 9% over a 30-year retirement. Although the proposal has been under discussion for several years, it has not passed, primarily due to fierce resistance from older voters..There are special rules that allow you to delay sign up for Medicare Part B when you receive healthcare benefits through work. You need to satisfy these three requirements:.Our annual Senior Surveys indicate overwhelming public support for the major provisions of The Social Security 2100 Act. And based on your comments and email, that's pretty much the case, no matter which political party you happen to vote for. It's vital for all of us to make sure your Member of Congress knows how you think Social Security and Medicare should be "rescued." Please take our 2020 Senior Survey. … Continued
Ncsl In Dc Publications And Resources New Democratic Majority Could Resurrect Budget Reconciliation Process Magazine2021_.The Social Security Act requires the President to submit to Congress the text of totalization agreements and a report that includes the estimated number of individuals who would be affected and the estimated financial impact of the agreement on Social Security. Nevertheless the documents released to TSCL in December of 2006 supplied only an incomplete five-year cost estimate..On behalf of the Board of Trustees and all TSCL members, we would like to send a hearty "thank-you," to the Members of Congress and their staff for meeting with us. … Continued