New Ulm Medical Center Services Occupational Health And Wellness Services Wellness At Work NewsletterA balanced budget amendment to the constitution might sound like a good idea on the surface, but when the details are examined, it could be disastrous for programs like Social Security and Medicare. The Senior Citizens League tirelessly advocated against its adoption when it was considered earlier this year, and because lawmakers aren't giving up on it anytime soon, we aren't either..If signed into law, the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act would amend the Social Security Act with regard to the annual cost-of-living-adjustment Social Security beneficiaries receive. Currently, the COLA is based upon the spending patterns of young, urban workers as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics the CPI for Urban Wage Earners. This legislation would calculate the COLA based on the spending patterns of seniors, or by using the BLS tracked CPI-E..Lawmakers remained in their home states and districts this week for the New Year's holiday. They will return to Washington on Monday, January 5th, to begin the first session of the 114th Congress. The Senior Citizens League looks forward to working with both new and veteran lawmakers in the New Year, and we will continue to advocate tirelessly on behalf of our members and supporters in 2015. … Continued
Blog Health C25 9In 2010, to generate support from wary seniors, proponents of healthcare reform widely touted new Medicare benefits under healthcare reform with mailings and even an ad campaign featuring Andy Griffith of Mayberry R.F.D. But virtually nothing about the controversial changes - like determining Part D premiums based on income - ever made it into the media, let alone Andy's scripts..At 2.8%, the annual cost-of-living adjustment that Social Security beneficiaries received in 2019 was the highest in seven years. The average monthly retiree benefit of ,425 increased by almost , but since October of last year, consumer price index data indicate that growth in inflation has stalled. In fact, if the current trend continues, it suggests the COLA payable in 2020 could be zero, according to projections by Advisor editor, and COLA researcher, Mary Johnson..Neighborhood, and safety concerns. Does your friend still feel safe living alone? Are there suspicious strangers stopping by asking for jobs like yard work or repaving her driveway? People who live alone are frequent targets of scam and thieves. … Continued