Ranked Choice Voting636934215To maximize your deductions, plan to take a quiet moment to organize your health expense paper work and get up to speed on allowable medical expenses. Even the most compulsive record-keeper can miss some. Remember that any unreimbursed premiums you pay for Part A, Part B, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medigap and Part D plans are deductible. In addition, here are a few of the commonly missed deductions, but be sure to talk to a professional tax preparer or financial advisor to check the availability of any possible deductions for you:.Estimates by the Social Security Administration indicate that if the taxable maximum were eliminated, and the payroll tax of 12.4% were applied to all earnings, that program solvency would be extended as much as 40 years. This includes allowing retired workers credit for benefits on the higher earnings. And not only would lifting the taxable maximum keep the program financed well into future, it would pay for providing a more fair and slightly higher COLA using the CPI-E..On Wednesday and Thursday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee held a two-part hearing to address bipartisan concerns about stabilizing the ACA's individual market, which insures around 18 million Americans many of whom are young retirees who are not yet eligible for Medicare. In his opening statement, Chairman Lamar Alexander said he believes the best way to stabilize the marketplace, decrease premiums, and make certain that health insurance is available in every county would be to continue cost sharing reduction payments and increase the Section 1332 state waiver program. … Continued
Health Reform Perspective Jama Forum If King V Burwell Ruling Imperils Aca Subsidies For Millions Is The Fallout AvoidableAs part of efforts to strengthen the Social Security system, Congress included the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset in the Social Security Act of 198While intentions were noble, these changes did little to protect the Social Security system. Instead, they unjustly penalized millions of public sector employees..Lawmakers Debate Spending Bill, Immigration."While most of the provisions were supported by TSCL, we in no way support using Social Security and Medicare benefits as hostages in exchange for lifting the debt limit," says TSCL Chairman Ed Cates. … Continued