Medicaid Report Annual Updates On Eligibility Rules Enrollment And Renewal Procedures And Cost Sharing Practices In Medicaid And ChipCall your drug plan to ask about the coverage of the new generic and the expected co-pay. Be forewarned: according to Consumer Reports magazine, some Medicare drug plans charge lower co-payments for the branded version than for its generic counterpart. That has to do with agreements between insurers and pharmaceutical companies that make it seem like the name brand is the better deal.."The group of Democrats blocked one committee from advancing their party's drug-pricing legislation, with two members arguing it was too far-reaching and could stymie innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of those Democrats also want to rein in a proposal to expand Medicare to include dental coverage, a high priority for progressives such as Sen. Bernie Sanders.".Without a doubt, the idea of starting Social Security benefits before you reach your full retirement age has strong appeal. But consider this: statistics indicate that about half of today's working age households who are close to retirement age will not be able to maintain their standard of living in retirement. … Continued
Labor And Employment The Promise Of Telework637471656In years when there has been no, or almost no cost-of-living adjustment, Medicare Part B premiums have spiked significantly. TSCL is highly concerned that another Medicare Part B premium spike could.Benefit Bulletin: June 2020 Medicare Premiums Could Spike Due to Coronavirus.Trustees Release Annual Reports.Thus the new formula went into effect almost immediately for most people and is one reason why retirees born over the ten-year period of 1917 through 1926 were affected, not only those covered by the five-year phase-in. In addition, the economy did not perform the way Congress and the Social Security Administration assumed it would under the new benefit formula. Slower than anticipated wage growth, and higher than expected price inflation, resulted in even greater benefit reductions than under original assumptions. These economic conditions persisted for a decade, thus affecting those born over a ten-year period. … Continued