Blog Us Supreme Court 1CBO Scores BCRA, Leaders Postpone Vote.So far there's been little discussion on how to fix the disability program. Congress and President Obama have debated reducing cost-of-living adjustments that would reduce the growth in benefits of all Social Security recipients. There has also been debate over raising the eligibility age, and other changes affecting the retirement program..If you experience a steep rapid price increase like this, where the drug doubles or quadruples as it did for Janice, first check with your drug plan to learn whether the drug is still covered by your plan. You can double check the price you have been quoted by using the Medicare drug plan finder at. If the drug is covered and the price has increased like this example, please contact your Members of Congress, starting with your Representative in the House and share details about the cost increase of your drug. Members of the House have announced hearings in coming weeks to investigate this sort of price gouging and your Representative will be interested in hearing your story. … Continued
Nourish Kids In The Kitchen Tips And Recipes For Flavorful FunOur job is to represent you to Congress and keep you informed about what is happening. We rely on you to put pressure on your Senators and Representative when it comes to the legislation we need to have passed..In short, since 2015 Congress apparently forgot about the deficit and went on a spending spree. But suddenly, it has become a crisis again. Or has it become a convenient excuse for doing what a lot of them have wanted to do for a long time: cut Medicare and Social Security benefits?.Due to a loop hole in Social Security law, the pending controversial Totalization Agreement, signed in June 2004, would allow millions of Mexican workers, and dependents on their accounts, to become entitled to Social Security benefits that include credit for earnings received while working illegally. If allowed to take effect, TSCL believes hundreds of billions in Social Security benefits are at stake. … Continued