Tag Consumer ProtectionThis week, action on Capitol Hill slowed down as the House of Representatives adjourned for a holiday recess, and the Senate focused on legislation to reauthorize programs within the FDA. Meanwhile, TSCL expressed support for a new House resolution, introduced by Rep. Scott Rigell..I started Social Security benefits in 2007 at age 62, but my retirement accounts have lost so much of their value that I'm going back to work. Will my benefits be reduced?.Your persistent support in signing petitions, sending email, and letters to your Members of Congress have helped build the highest level of co-sponsorship in more than ten years. … Continued
Medicaid Issue Brief Understanding Medicaid Hospital Payments And The Impact Of Recent Policy ChangesThe U.S. House and Senate adjourn at the end of July for a six-week summer recess, and many lawmakers will hold town hall meetings in their home states and districts throughout the month of August. The Senior Citizens League encourages Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries like you to attend these events and to ask important questions of your elected officials about your earned benefits..A key unresolved issue is whether undocumented immigrants, who illegally worked using invalid or fake Social Security numbers, would be able to claim work credits towards benefits for those earnings. Work authorization, or "green cards," not citizenship, is the key requirement for noncitizens to become entitled to Social Security benefits and Medicare when other program qualifications are met. According to the Congressional Budget Office, even "limited" immigration changes that provide only permission to work in this country, or temporary work authorization, could potentially add millions of new claims in the future. Under current law Social Security benefits are based on all earnings, including earnings from jobs worked without authorization under invalid and fraudulent documents..Petition to Congress Protesting Illegal Alien Amnesty and U.S. Social Security Totalization With Mexico … Continued