Health Conditions And Treatments Eat Healthy Nutrition Basics Protein NutsThousands of prescriptions are abandoned at pharmacies each year, often due to high prices. There are several things you can do to bring that cost down to a more manageable level..In the coming weeks, we will continue to advocate for the legislation in the Senate, where the bill now sits. We will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website, and on our new page on Facebook..Recently my mother got a notice from Social Security saying that her income is over the limit, and now she's paying much higher Medicare premiums than last year. Normally her income is modest, but in 2009 we sold her home after she moved into an assisted living facility. Her monthly Part B premium rose from .40 to 1.50. Her Part D coverage had increased by per month and the government tacked on a surcharge of more than doubling the premium that she paid last year. Altogether, my mother's Social Security was reduced by .10 a month! Someone told me this was part of healthcare reform. Why was there no advance notice to allow families to plan for this? … Continued
Patient Education Care Of Children Wellness Dental Examshousemate with whom you can share expenses. Some couples living in older homes."Social Security Administration Actuarial Score," HR. 1314, Stephen Goss, Social Security Administration Office of the Actuary, October 27, 201"Time To Close A Social Security Loophole?" Alicia H. Munnell, Market Watch, March 19, 2014..The legislation prevents a 19% Social Security disability benefit cut by a short-term reallocation of payroll tax revenue in 2016 through 201This would be sufficient to pay benefits until 2022 and would not affect the 2034 depletion date of the Social Security retirement trust fund, according to Social Security's Chief Actuary. … Continued