Teddy Bridgewaters Knee Injury ExplainedIf signed into law, S. 2023 would take a number of steps to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, including requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate Part D drug prices, allowing the re-importation of drugs from Canada, closing the "doughnut hole" three years earlier than current law, and prohibiting "pay-for-delay" deals between drug manufacturers..As things are scheduled for now, the Senate will return to the Capitol on Sept. In the meantime, it will be in a "pro-forma session." That happens in the Senate at a time during which no legislative business is conducted. The sessions are held to satisfy a provision of the Constitution that prohibits either chamber from adjourning for more than three days without the permission of the other chamber. When the House or Senate recesses or adjourns for more than three days, both chambers adopt concurrent resolutions providing for the recess or adjournment..Government economists not only changed the math, they changed the underlying concept of the consumer price index itself. While the CPI formerly measured price changes of a fixed market basket of items from one period to the next, today the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses formulas more consistent with a theoretical cost-of-living concept. And because it is theoretical, it uses estimates and produces data that is subject to two revisions. … Continued
Education Summer LearningThe bill would provide critical savings to millions of older taxpayers with modest incomes below the new threshold amounts. But, as frequently can happen when legislation is under deliberation, progress on the bill was recently put on hold. Lawmakers are considering how the revenues to the Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund would be allocated, and from where replacement revenues lost due to the tax cut would come..This time, with large numbers of hospitals straining to care for COVID-19 patients, cutting payments to hospitals and increasing revenues is likely to be far more difficult. Hospitals across the country say they have been pushed to their financial limit. And simply raising payroll tax rates may not provide enough of a revenue in the short term if unemployment remains at high levels longer than anticipated. Payroll taxes cannot be collected from workers who are unemployed..TSCL worked hard for the Medicare Part B "roll back" last fall which prevented an even larger Part B premium spike in 2016, and stands ready to ask lawmakers to do the same in 201You can help: Contact your Representative in the House and Senators now and ask your lawmakers to take action to stop the Medicare Part B premium spike. Call your lawmakers toll free at or send an email to your Members of Congress. … Continued