Medicare Report Medicare Advantage Hospital Networks How Much Do They VaryThis week, appropriators in the House and Senate continued making progress on a number of fiscal 2015 bills. Notably, House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers released a plan to trim funding slightly for the contentious Labor-HHS-Education measure, which the Social Security and Medicare programs both fall under. The plan would provide 5.7 billion in funding for the measure, which is approximately billion below the current funding level..A stronger nation is a nation where Social Security and Medicare are there for your children and grandchildren. It means a nation where we keep our promises and innovate for the future. For those of you 55 and over, the programs you paid into, planned on, and live with, will be there for you no changes. But for those under 55, hard choices must be made. As the debate continues about how best to preserve these programs, I wanted to reassure you all that nothing I ever vote on or support, will change the benefits and promises you earned period..Mo soberly told me that it has been a grueling experience for "a small-town emergency medical worker" who, before COVID, was used to mainly pushing paper, and just going on only a few calls a week for the "random" auto accident or over-dose. Day after grueling day, Mo and his crew have answered calls to hundreds of homes in my county. And sadly, they are still at it. If you haven't gotten one yet, please consider getting a COVID vaccine! Contact your local health department or doctor. … Continued
Does New Mask Policy Make SenseThis issue gets considerable attention from Members of Congress and the media. These findings are a huge red flag that the standard of living of older Americans is eroding, and this is true not only for lower income households, but for all retirees, because healthcare costs are growing much more rapidly than COLAs. To provide greater retirement security, Social Security benefits need to be boosted, and Medicare cost increases need to be slowed in a way that saves billions without cutting benefits. The Senior Citizens League is supporting the Emergency Social Security COLA for 2021 Act, which would replace the 1.3 percent COLA with a more adequate 3 percent COLA in 202How were you affected by healthcare costs in 2020? Please take our TSCL's 2021 Senior Survey..What executive actions did the President announce?.averages about ,350 per month. But even people who receive care at home spend … Continued