Interactive Kff Health Tracking Poll The Publics Views On The AcaThe Social Security taxable maximum is tied to the wage index, but according to the Congressional Budget Office, the limit on the amount of wages that can be taxed has not kept up with the growth of wages of the most highly paid workers. Because wages for high - income earners are growing faster than for other workers, the taxable share of the nation's earnings subject to Social Security payroll taxes is falling - from 90 percent in 1983 to 82 percent in 201The trend is forecast to continue, with the CBO projecting the share of earnings subject to payroll taxation to drop to below 78 percent by 2026..TSCL Announces Support for New Legislation.Like Senators Klobuchar, McCain, and Grassley, TSCL enthusiastically supports efforts by the administration to reduce prescription drug costs, and we hope to see the White House move forward on executive actions that would allow for prescription drug importation. In the meantime, we will continue to advocate on Capitol Hill for legislation like the Safe and Affordable Drugs from Canada Act and the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act, both of which would go a long way in reducing prescription drug costs for older Americans. … Continued
Going To The Doctor Via E MailI had the opportunity to interview Florida retiree Joe S., who told me how he is impacted, living in one of the most hurricane prone areas in the U.S. - Brevard County, Florida. In September, after hanging 20 hurricane shutters on his home, Joe and his wife evacuated for three days and rode out hurricane Dorian 110 miles inland. Gas, hotel, food costs totaled 0.00. Unexpected expenses like these are hard to plan for..TSCL enthusiastically supports the Strengthening Social Security Act since it would extend the solvency of the Trust Fund responsibly, while also making benefits for seniors more fair and accurate. We look forward to working with Sen. Harkin and Reps. Sanchez and Holt in the coming months to help build support for their bill..Most seniors and their family members feel stymied by trying to figure out which plan would be the best choice. You may also worry that pre-existing health conditions make it difficult to change plans. That's not the case but either way, you will benefit from discussing your situation with a Medicare benefits counselor, not an insurance agent. Free, unbiased counseling is available through your State Health Insurance Assistance Program which operates in almost every area of the country. Local Area Agencies on Aging can refer you to counselors who help you learn about and understand your health plan choices, and to make a switch. … Continued