The billion could be financed without taking money from the Social Security Trust Fund. One way is through reduction of pork barrel spending and government waste. In the fiscal year 2001 budget alone, pork "watch-dog" Senator John McCain estimated that the government would spend a record billion in pork-barrel projects..It remains to be seen whether Republicans in the Senate will begin working with Democrats on legislation that would stabilize the health insurance markets, or whether they will shift their focus to other legislative priorities. Following the failed vote early Friday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told his colleagues: "I regret that our efforts were simply not enough … It's time to move on.".Social Security coverage to persons who have not worked long enough under the system to draw benefits on their own account is of major significance in the debate to allow individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes into private retirement accounts. As proposed, private Social Security retirement accounts would unlikely be able to provide the extent of coverage the current program now offers..The following Members of Congress, among many others, will be holding town hall meetings in the days ahead: Reps. Diana DeGette, Lynn Jenkins, Gary Palmer, Tom Rice, Todd Rokita, Steve Cohen, David Valadao, Steve Womack, Susan Brooks, Randy Hultgren, Lamar Smith, Eric Swalwell, Marc Veasey, and Rep. Ed Perlmutter..That is only one of the issues involved with high drug prices, and the drug companies aren't the only issue..TSCL enthusiastically supports H.R. 2575, H.R. 1205, and H.R. 242, and we were pleased to see support grow for each one this week. For more information about these and other bills, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website..Dr. Redfield also told Congress this week that the CDC is developing a test that can check for seasonal influenza and COVID-19 infections at the same time..Lawmakers Debate Spending Bill, Immigration.Changes are looming for Medicare and Social Security. Make your opinion count. Take the monthly poll on TSCL's homepage. We'll announce the results in upcoming issues of this newsletter.

Nourish Six Foods Trends To Watch For In 2020

The plan would affect both current and future Medicare beneficiaries by carving Medicare into two systems. People who already receive Medicare would continue under the current system. People who turn 65 by 2021 would receive a voucher to purchase private insurance..Many pharmacies are already administering vaccine doses that have been allocated to states. Under the new program, the federal government would ship doses directly to pharmacies. The new pharmacy initiative - which is aimed at broadening access to vaccines generally - is separate from an ongoing federal program to have Walgreens and CVS vaccinate residents of long-term care facilities..Here's an example of how it might work in 2021, assuming you start work on February 1, 202Let's assume you are entitled to a Social Security benefit of 0 per month. You work and earn ,200 during the year. Your Social Security benefit would be reduced by ,120. You would receive only ,680 of your ,800 for the year. … Continued

A Status Report On Prescription Drug Policies And Proposals At The Start Of The Biden Administration

An estimated 39 million Medicare beneficiaries spend up to 29 percent of their Social Security benefits on healthcare costs, according to a new survey by The Senior Citizens League. "That's a huge chunk of one's household budget, and chances are that many of those people are paying too much for premiums, deductibles, and out of pocket costs," says Mary Johnson a Medicare policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League. "One of the best financial moves that Medicare beneficiaries can make is to review health and drug plan coverage and compare options during Medicare's Fall Open Enrollment Period, which starts October 15 and runs through December 7, 2021," Johnson says. "For many people, it could potentially save hundreds of dollars, making the difference between having to split pills or going without, versus to covering all prescriptions and still winding up with a little cash left over," says Johnson, who helps her friends and family with the task..Want to read more about rising costs? See, The Costs That Are Rising the Fastest for Older Americans, By Doug Whiteman, of Congress Support Key Bills … Continued

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