Newsroom New Ulm Medical Center Foundation Purchases Additional Resq Cpr Devices For Area First RespondersTSCL's concern is not over taxes collected under valid Social Security numbers. The concern is over the use of earnings under invalid or fraudulent Social Security numbers to determine benefits. Earnings reported under invalid numbers most often occur when noncitizens work without legal authorization. Due to a loophole in current law, Social Security uses all earnings to determine benefits, even those from jobs worked under invalid and fraudulent Social Security numbers. Social Security thus pays benefits for the rest of the individual's life that may be based, at least in part, on work under fraudulent Social Security numbers. TSCL believes this policy rewards people for document fraud..TSCL has been pushing members of Congress to include legislation to reduce the price of drugs and pass legislation to deal with the practice of surprise medical billing. We were hoping those issues would be addressed at the same time as the legislation to extend the federal health programs mentioned above..How Did the Supreme Court Decision About the Affordable Care Act Affect Medicare? … Continued
Health Conditions And Treatments Eat Healthy Desserts Spiced Shortbread Cookies With Cinnamon GlazeAccording to Rep. Deutch, the bill would extend the solvency of the Social Security trust funds for decades into the future by ensuring that the wealthiest Americans contribute to the program at the same rate as everyone else. Upon its introduction, he said, "Currently, most Americans contribute 6.2 percent of every paycheck they earn to Social Security, while a corporate lawyer earning 0,000 pays an annual rate of just 1.71 percent and a CEO earning million pays an annual rate of just 0.003 percent.".Nonetheless, TSCL will not let the Senate forget that the need to pass legislation to help bring down the prices of prescription drugs must not be set aside because of the coronavirus threat. Many, many seniors are at risk because they can't afford the drugs they need, and the situation must be dealt with now..TSCL could not agree more with Congressman Schiff, and we enthusiastically lend our support to H.R. 97In the months ahead, our legislative team will work tirelessly to help build support for the critical piece of legislation. … Continued