Minnesota Hospitals Need Your BloodThe findings come from a survey of 502 adults conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in May. Thirty-nine percent had misused the cleaning products, and one quarter reported "an adverse health effect that they believed was a result" of the products..This week, TSCL also proudly endorsed the Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, a bipartisan bill from Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard and 130 cosponsors in the House. If adopted, the bill would expand Medicare coverage of hearing, vision, and dental services. Currently, Medicare is prohibited from covering these critical health services, and many older Americans living on fixed incomes cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket for them..The 5 or so million Americans aged 50 to 64 who currently buy insurance on the individual and small business exchanges could compare a Medicare-X plan to those offered by private insurance plansm and choose which works best for them. Guaranteeing Medicare-X in every ZIP code would ensure there's always an option for Americans not yet on Medicare. And, because participants' premiums would cover the full cost of the plan, it wouldn't raise taxes, add to the deficit, or take resources from the Medicare trust fund. Medicare-X would allow price negotiation under Part D, but would not touch the benefits offered through traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage. … Continued
Patient Education For Dads And Partners Your Baby How You Can Help With BreastfeedingFifty six percent of older adults think we need to invest more in Medicare in order to respond more quickly and effectively to a healthcare crisis like COVID-19, according to a new survey by The Senior Citizens League. "Boosting funding for Medicare is one of the most important issues for older voters this year," says Mary Johnson, a Medicare, and Social Security policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League..Rushed or pressured to sign papers. Is the salesman or dealer herding you into an office and telling you to sign now or lose your deal? That's a sure sign it's a deal worth missing..At the Social Security Subcommittee's hearing, the focus was also on three specific proposals: cutting the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment by adopting the "chained" Consumer Price Index, raising the eligibility age, and increasing the cap on income subject to the payroll tax. Support for each proposal was mixed, and while experts on the panel spoke with a sense of urgency, no real consensus was evident among Members of the Subcommittee. … Continued