Prevent Great Kids Get GratefulTSCL's opposition to any Payroll tax cut stems in part from previous comments from some Congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell In the past he has said:.The hold harmless provision kicks in when the dollar amount of an individual's Medicare Part B premium rises more than the dollar amount of an individual's COLA adjustment to prevent a reduction in Social Security benefits. The provision applies to individuals with incomes below ,000, and whose Medicare Part B premium is automatically deducted from their Social Security benefits. Johnson estimates that about 35.5 million Social Security recipients were held harmless in 2016 and 201"People who have been held harmless in both those years are paying premiums that are roughly 8 per month in 2017 on average, a difference of about from the current 4 premium. However, for many of those people, especially those with below - average Social Security benefits, the 2018 COLA won't be high enough to cover the full 4 Part B premium..Even so, our estimate is still not complete. It does not factor in the cost of long term care services, and, because it is an average, it may not match every household's situation. … Continued
Blog Ncsl Resources On Challenges Facing Rural America"Medicare Beneficiary Savings and the Affordable Care Act," Department of Health and Human Services, February 201"Reliance on Capital Gains and Dividend Income Tends to Rise with Age," Tax Foundation, December 2005..Note the date and time of day of the call. Also note if you have a clear line or if the call sounds like it's coming from overseas. Does the person you are talking to have trouble with the language, have a heavy accent, etc.?.Ways and Means Subcommittees Consider Entitlement Reform … Continued