Voter List AccuracyAccording to most projections the change would cut benefits by about 7% over 25 years for current beneficiaries. But that estimate doesn't include the full cost of the cut for new retirees. Baby Boomers who have not yet turned age 60 would be hit particularly hard because the COLA is used in the Social Security benefit formula to adjust average monthly earnings once a person turns 60. The adjustment is automatically applied even if people haven't yet filed a claim for benefits. The COLA adjustments along with a delayed benefit credit helps to boost initial benefits of people who delay benefits and work longer..In normal political times neither party would allow Medicare to be cut. But because of our current highly partisan times, it would require ten Republicans to join with Democrats to stop the cuts to Medicare with new legislation if reconciliation were used..TSCL will be letting Congressional leaders know of our opposition to a payroll tax cut and we will continue to advocate both in opposition to any payroll tax cut, and also for a fairer and more accurate way of calculating what the COLA should be each year. … Continued
Minneapolis Heart Institute Programs And Services Vascular And Endovascular ServicesSocial Security Benefits Slowed Amid COVID-19 Deaths.Bipartisan legislation before the House and Senate would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset benefit reductions so that millions of retired teachers and police officers receive the Social Security benefits they have earned and deserve. Will you cosponsor the Social Security Fairness Act when you return to Washington?.The stakes are high for retirees, who want Congressional action. Eighty eight percent of those of you who took our 2021 Senior Survey want Congress to reduce prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices. Congressional inaction would cost all of us dearly, if lawmakers fail to take action to boost Social Security benefits and enact reforms that would strengthen Social Security's financing for decades to come. … Continued