Health Conditions And Treatments Eat Healthy Desserts Chocolate Dipped Pretzel SticksOn Wednesday, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the financial outlook of both programs. As expected, they found that Social Security and Medicare are experiencing long-term financing shortfalls. Social Security's combined trust funds are expected to be depleted in 2034, which remains unchanged from last year's report. Medicare's Hospital Insurance trust fund is expected to be depleted in 2028 two years earlier than the trustees projected last year..A government shut down, while causing some problems, isn't as bad as breaching the debt ceiling. That's known as a "technical default," as some government obligations won't be met on time depending on how long the stalemate lasts. The Treasury Department would have to rely on whatever cash is left on hand and daily revenue inflows..Your friend should be commended for being sharp and perceptive enough to anticipate her own needs. All too often discussions about changes in one's housing and assisted living occur during a health crisis. But because your friend lives alone, she needs someone like you to talk about the "red flags" that you both may start to notice, and she may need help working up plans for the next life phase. … Continued
Healthpartners Will Add In Medicare Health Plans"TSCL believes that Congress must get started and put forward plans for Social Security Disability soon. "To prevent benefit cuts, Social Security recipients need to get involved to learn about proposed changes and provide vigorous feedback to lawmakers about what the public will accept," Cates says. What do you think? Visit TSCL's website at and take a poll..TSCL will be keeping a close eye on this subject because we know that so many seniors and their families are desperately hoping there will be some new breakthrough that will effectively treatment Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. But the cost of this drug is so expensive, and it could have a major impact on the Medicare budget that already is in critical financial condition..H.R. 1030 has been referred to various committees including the House Ways and Means Committee for further consideration. In an effort to be of all possible assistance to you, I have taken the liberty of sharing your support for this legislation with my colleagues on the committee. As they continue to review the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act, you can be sure they will keep your views in mind. … Continued