Services Medical Center EntFifty-six percent of participants in a national survey by The Senior Citizens League say they pay taxes on their Social Security benefits. "The tax on Social Security income takes new retirees by surprise," says TSCL Chairman Ed Cates. "This is one retirement expense that must be carefully planned for. The government today taxes the Social Security benefits of a majority of older adults, even people with very modest middle incomes," he notes..About 4 million people who turn age 61 this year are in for a deep hit to their Social Security benefits when they retire. The initial retirement benefits of these individuals may be permanently reduced by about 9.1%, according to an estimate by Social Security's Chief Actuary. Without quick remedial action from Congress, the retirement benefits of people born in 1960 would be lower than the benefits of people with identical earnings and retirement histories who were born just one year prior to them. This is due to a flaw in the Social Security benefit formula..Medicare doesn't cover dental benefits, and dental insurance premiums can be more expensive than paying out of your own pocket for routine check ups- and cleanings. The cost to buy an individual policy averages about 0 a year. That's about what you might pay out-of-pocket without any insurance for two annual exams and cleanings, plus some X-rays. … Continued
Fiscal Policy Coronavirus Covid 19 State Budget Updates And Revenue Projections637208306Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson explained the origin of the issue in his opening statement, saying: "Both the House and Senate wanted to modify the benefit formula for those workers who spent part of their careers not paying Social Security taxes. I guess it should come as no surprise that the House and Senate didn't agree on the numbers … As tends to happen here they ended up somewhere in the middle.".So, we wanted to close this week's update with some good news, as reported by Bloomberg News..Unfortunately, many Subcommittee Members seemed to agree with Rep. Burgess, who plans to introduce legislation that would provide a one-year pay patch for Medicare physicians. TSCL hopes that Congress will continue to work toward a permanent solution, and we will continue to monitor the SGR discussion in the coming months. … Continued