Blog Update The Lowdown On 2019s Ballot MeasuresWhat can you do? Share this story. If you or someone you know was born in 1960, contact your Members of Congress! Let your Representative and Senators know that you are concerned about the permanent 9% cut that would affect the retirement benefits of everyone born in 1960. We can make Social Security more equitable, but it takes working together to make that happen..Check periodic costs: Next check for periodic costs like blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, dental and eye exams. These are the expenses you have once or twice annually, or every few years. When a new test is ordered, ask your doctor whether it's a one-time test, or whether it's likely you will be taking that test again periodically. Ask the recommended frequency for that test. Once you have a list of tests and the frequency and what it cost, you can start to develop a long-term contingency healthcare budget, at least based on your current health status..Surveys show a majority of Americans would like to see an increase in the Social Security payroll tax, but a new tax reform proposal would eliminate the 12.4 percent payroll tax altogether. This would end Social Security as we know it and transform it into a welfare program for older Americans. Do you support this drastic new proposal? … Continued
Thrive Tips For Talking With Kids About Election ResultsThe median income for those age 65 and older was ,757 in 2010.."Should Social Security's Cost-of Living Adjustment Be Changed?" National Academy of Social Insurance, April 2011..TSCL knows how crucial they are, and we pledge to keep fighting on your behalf. But your calls and emails to your Senators and Representatives on these issues that we write about are very important and can make a real difference. … Continued