More About The Kaiser Family FoundationThis years study of retiree costs found that between January of 2000 and January of 2019, Social Security COLAs increased Social Security benefits by 50 percent, but the costs of goods and services purchased by typical retirees rose more than twice as fast - 100.3 percent. Food and medical costs - particularly for fresh fruits and vegetables, and prescription drugs - were among the most rapidly - rising costs over the past year. The study examines the growth since 2000 in price of goods and services that are typical for retired and disabled households, and, compares them to the growth in Social Security benefits due to annual COLAs..We hope you will use these points and contact your own Senators and Representatives and tell them you are absolutely opposed to any payroll tax cut..Because of the deficit projections some members of Congress have once again, raised the issue of balancing the federal budget on the backs of senior citizens. … Continued
Courage Kenny Sponsors Adaptive Day On The LakeThis week, action on Capitol Hill slowed down as the House of Representatives adjourned for a holiday recess, and the Senate focused on legislation to reauthorize programs within the FDA. Meanwhile, TSCL expressed support for a new House resolution, introduced by Rep. Scott Rigell..TSCL 2017 Senior Survey indicates there's widespread support for proposals that would improve benefits, particularly for older women. A majority, 55%, said they support giving credits to people who take time off from their job to provide care for children or older family members. Under the proposal women would receive wage credits up to a certain amount - ,000 per year is one proposal - to help fill in years when there are no earnings..Visit to participate in TSCL's annual Senior Survey. … Continued