Newsroom District One Hospital Earns Renewed Designation As Level Iv Trauma HospitalThe income thresholds for the federal poverty levels are adjusted using a somewhat faster growing index than the one used to determine the COLA. Unlike the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, which does not survey the costs of people over the age of 62, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers CPI-U includes the spending patterns of both younger workers and people over the age of 6Consequently the federal poverty limits increase somewhat faster than the CPI-W and today's COLAs. The 2016 poverty levels reflect a 0.1% increase over 2015 rather than zero like the Social Security COLA..The best way to protect against flu and its potentially serious complications is with a flu vaccine. CDC recommends that almost everyone 6 months of age and older get a seasonal flu vaccine each year by the end of October. However, as long as flu viruses are circulating, vaccination should continue throughout flu season, even into January or later..This week, lawmakers continued working on an omnibus spending bill, and The Senior Citizens League endorsed new legislation that would give Social Security beneficiaries an emergency cost-of-living adjustment next year. … Continued
Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee Legislative CareersBut when you work, there's a limit to how much you can earn and still keep your benefits. When you are under full retirement age, your Social Security benefit will be reduced for every you are over the earnings limit..Years later, those earnings records may be accessed when a non-citizen files a claim for Social Security benefits..Congress has the ability to prevent these reductions before they take effect, but the questions is - will it do so? Legislation proposed in 2020 would protect the retirement benefits of individuals who were born in 1960 from declining. But TSCL is concerned that some Members of Congress may balk at taking timely action. To prevent lawmakers from looking the other way, they need to hear from as many constituents as possible to take action to protect retirement benefits. "These are benefit cuts that are directly caused by COVID-19 and should be addressed by emergency legislation, or in a comprehensive bill that would correct this problem. In addition, Social Security benefits still need to be boosted for all retirees," says TSCL's Executive Director, Shannon Benton. … Continued