Energy Driving Economic Development Through Energy Efficiency 636353692The fight over ending surprise billing has sparked a costly lobbying fight from hospital and doctors groups as well as insurers which oppose ending the practice. That's who TSCL is up against in this fight and it's why your support is so important to our work..Kyle Carpenter joined TREA in 2013 while stationed at Buckley AFB in Colorado and became active in Chapter 3Kyle has served in the Air Force for 20 years, first as active duty and currently as a guard member in active duty status. Kyle is currently serving in the Arkansas Air National Guard on active duty. He holds a master's degree in Maters of Business Administration with an emphasis in Healthcare from University of Phoenix and a bachelor's degree in Business Management from University of Phoenix. Kyle also obtained his Community College of the Air Force associate's degree in Human Resource..In years when there has been no, or almost no cost-of-living adjustment, Medicare Part B premiums have spiked significantly. TSCL is highly concerned that another Medicare Part B premium spike could occur again in 202Medicare beneficiaries who are not protected by the special provision of law known as the Social Security "hold harmless" provision could get hit with significantly steeper premium costs in 2021, and it may take several years before the majority of beneficiaries see their net Social Security benefit grow again. … Continued
Medical Services Pharmacies Diabetic SuppliesYou can contribute to more than one IRA. It's possible to have a traditional IRA, one or more 401s and a Roth IRA or Roth 40You can contribute to as many as you want but the total you may contribute is limited to a maximum amount that is adjusted annually and the type of account..President Barak Obama included a proposal in his fiscal year 2014 budget that would have reduced Social Security benefits by using the more slowly-growing chained consumer price index to calculate the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment. An estimate produced for TSCL projects that "chaining the COLA" would cut Social Security benefits by about 9% over a 30-year retirement. Although the proposal has been under discussion for several years, it has not passed, primarily due to fierce resistance from older voters..This week, lawmakers remained in their home states and districts to finish the two-week spring recess. … Continued