Patient Education Total Hip Replacement Surgery And Beyond Ten Tips To Prevent Falls While You Are In The HospitalThe amount you receive depends on your income and assets. If your income is on the higher end you still might qualify for partial Extra Help. Keep in mind that to receive the assistance you must first enroll in a drug plan AND the drugs you take must be listed on the plan's formulary..Chairman Collins said at Tuesday's hearing: "Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging. It is a public health issue with a course that we can potentially change. There are steps that we can take today to help prevent the risk of cognitive decline and to improve the lives of those living with Alzheimer's and their caregivers. This public health approach is not only empowering; it is the key to saving lives.".Social Security beneficiaries received a 2% cost-of-living adjustment this year, but most have seen their benefit increases completely offset by higher Medicare Part B premiums. Do you support legislation that would give older Americans a more fair and adequate Social Security COLA? … Continued
New Ulm Declared A Heart Safe CommunityOver the weekend it was announced that the Senate and the White House were able to come to an agreement about new legislation and it will be presented today. However, reports are that the GOP bill will cost about trillion while the House-passed bill has a cost of trillion. That means there will have to be major negotiations between the House and Senate once the Senate finally passes its bill..What do you know about the fastest rising expenses in retirement? Take this quiz at..By Representative Elijah E. Cummings … Continued