Many believe that the public stage has politicized the debate and is preventing the group from reaching a breakthrough. With only one week to go before the Presidents Day recess, the next meetings will likely move behind closed doors..The American Health Care Act will go next to the Senate. TSCL strongly opposes this legislation and is urging older Americans to contact their Members of Congress. To learn more, visit..Before 2020 came to an end, a new forecast from the Congressional Budget Office confirmed that Medicare's Part A Hospital Insurance trust fund is running out of money two years earlier than previously expected. The CBO's forecast indicates that there will be insufficient funds to cover all Part A benefits beginning in 2024 - less than 3 years from now.."It's a barrage of contributions that accounts for roughly million in campaign giving, distributed via roughly 4,500 checks from the political action committees affiliated with the companies..And, in case you had any doubts about why you need that Medicare Advantage plan in the first place, here are the general types of costs if you have Medicare Advantage plan coverage compared with having traditional Medicare with a Medigap 2011 by switching drug plans. She was able to enroll in a plan that provided."Implications of the Payroll Tax Holiday for Social Security," National Academy of Social Insurance, April 201"'Temporary' tax cuts plentiful, and often long term," USA Today, December 8, 2011..The plan released this week is not expected to be adopted or even to win any bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. However, it does mark the start of the fiscal 2016 budget negotiations, and it lays out the line-by-line needs of the federal agencies for appropriators. Soon, the House and Senate Budget Committees will release their own spending blueprints for fiscal 2016, and TSCL expects to see proposals that would dramatically alter the Social Security and Medicare programs. We will keep a close eye on the negotiations as they evolve, and will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website..Several times in the hearing, repeal of the Windfall Elimination was mentioned as a priority issue. The Windfall Elimination Provision is simply a recalculation of Social Security benefit for individuals who also have a pension from "non-covered" work. The normal Social Security calculation formula is substituted with a new calculation that usually results in a lower benefit amount. H.R. 141 and S. 521 would repeal this provision.

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The letter you received from Social Security should indicate a deadline for your response. If you have missed the deadline, act quickly and contact Social Security requesting an extension. You may indeed learn there is an error and be able to correct the amount of money to be withheld. In addition, when you check your earnings record, you may need to contest earnings that don't belong to you..Then last week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced it will make sure that a COVID-19 vaccine will be made available to all seniors at no cost once a vaccine is approved..These provisions are outdated and unfair to many seniors, and it's time to repeal them. Workers who paid into Social Security and their spouses should not be penalized and lose earned benefits for working in public service and the private sector. If you paid into Social Security, this is your money, not a government entitlement or subsidy. … Continued

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To help make the right saving and distribution decisions, get professional advice from professional financial advisors..Congress passed legislation to end the practice at the end of the year, but as with so much other legislation Congress passes, it gave an outline of new policy but it left a great deal up to the President to work out the specifics..That is not as easy as it might seem but if they Senate is able to accomplish that whatever it passes must then go to a House/Senate conference committee which will have to come up with one bill that must then go back to each house and pass before it goes to the President for his signature. With just three work weeks left before October 1 it will have to be a marathon if they are to finish their work on time. … Continued

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