Blog The Cost Of Security At The Ballot BoxDevelop a second career or sideline income - Turn your passion.In 2019, there are a total of ten different Medigap plans, "A" through "N." Congress closed Plans "F" and "C" because they cover the Medicare Part B deductible. The thinking is that deductibles prevent "over utilization" of Medicare benefits. The Part B deductible is 5.50 this year and it rises at the same pace as the Part B premium. According to research by Johnson, Part B premiums have increased about 10 percent per year since 2000, making it one of the fastest growing costs in retirement. "Requiring retirees to pay deductibles, or higher deductibles, has the biggest financial and health impact on middle-income Medicare beneficiaries with modest means," says Johnson. "Many put off medically necessary care if they can't afford the deductible, and their health can get worse when they do," she says..This week, TSCL formally announced its support for Rep. Tim Walberg's Social Security and Medicare Lock-Box Act. If signed into law, the bill would safeguard the Social Security and Medicare Part A Trust Funds and prevent lawmakers from using the monies for unrelated purposes. In addition, it would establish a commission to determine alternate forms of investment for the surplus funds. … Continued
Prevent Wellness WisdomCongress Passes Defense Bill but President Trump says He Will Veto.Compare the least expensive way to buy. - No matter how you buy it, fresh, frozen, or canned, most fruits and vegetables tend to be sold by the pound A more accurate price for comparison is the cost per serving. For example, part of the weight of canned goods is packing liquid and as a result most have fewer servings per pound than fresh or frozen counterparts..The hold harmless provision affects Medicare beneficiaries who have their Part B premiums automatically deducted from their Social Security payments. The law protects the Social Security benefits of those people, about 70% of all Medicare beneficiaries, when an increase in the amount of the Part B premium is greater than the amount of increase that individuals would receive in their COLA. The law prohibits a reduction to an individual's monthly Social Security benefit due to rising Medicare premiums from one year to the next. … Continued