Blog Innovation Waivers Can Your State Change The Health LawA major move is underway to reduce government spending on Social Security by cutting the growth rate in annual cost-of-living adjustments. What would it cost you? Here are answers to some of your most frequently asked questions:.They wrote: "We have worked together on bipartisan legislation that would address skyrocketing prescription drug prices … While we pursue these legislative efforts in Congress, we strongly encourage you to take executive or administrative action to reduce the ever-increasing financial burden of prescription drugs for millions of Americans.".It can happen because the patient got treated by a doctor not on the list of providers that contract with that person's health plan to provide care at negotiated rates. This can happen on visits to a hospital emergency room, when there's no option of which doctor to see, for example. … Continued
Blog Fiscal Policy 8The study examined the increase in costs of 39 key items between 2000 and January 201The items were chosen because they are typical of the costs of most Social Security recipients, and include expenditures like Medicare Part B premium, that are not measured by the index currently used to calculate the COLA. Of the 39 items analyzed, 26 increased faster than the COLA over the same period. "This study illustrates why Congress should enact legislation to provide a more fair and adequate COLA," says The Senior Citizens' Executive Director, Shannon Benton. "To put it in perspective, for every 0 worth of groceries a retiree household could afford in 2000, they can only buy worth today," Benton adds..Committees Craft ACA Repeal Legislation.The 30 percent who are not protected by hold harmless include: … Continued