Blog Supreme Court Clears Way For North Carolina Ballots Received After Election To Be CountedA balanced budget amendment to the constitution might sound like a good idea on the surface, but when the details are examined, it could be disastrous for programs like Social Security and Medicare. The Senior Citizens League tirelessly advocated against its adoption when it was considered earlier this year, and because lawmakers aren't giving up on it anytime soon, we aren't either..The "Gang of Eight's" proposal is now in the hands of the full Senate, and Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he will bring the bill to the floor in June. Until then, TSCL will continue to monitor the evolving negotiations, and we will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website..senior who hadn't seen a doctor in years, despite being a smoker. It took some … Continued
Quad Caucus-- in particular - Social Security benefits. The 3.6% COLA is the first after two years without any increase. "Here's the bottom line," says Larry Hyland, Chairman of TSCL. "Is your Social Security benefit higher or lower in 2012 after deducting your Medicare premiums?".Lawmakers Reach Deal to Avert Fiscal Cliff.On Wednesday, TSCL's Board of Trustees, along with former Congressman David Funderburk and Mrs. Betty Funderburk, and legislative analyst Jessie Gibbons, held meetings on Capitol Hill in seven Congressional offices. TSCL's dedicated, all-volunteer Board of Trustees consists of the following members: chairman Larry Hyland, vice-chairman Tom O'Connell, secretary Charlie Flowers, treasurer Ed Cates, political action committee treasurer Michael Gales, and board liaison and president of The Retired Enlisted Association Arthur Cooper. … Continued