Nourish Seven Ways To Fight Cancer From The KitchenTo qualify, you must meet your state's income and asset limits. The information listed below show the 2019 baseline gross monthly income and asset limits but, even if your income or assets are slightly higher, you should still apply because these limits are somewhat higher for 2020, and some states have different guidelines..Seniors know how important Medicare is to their well-being, both health-wise and financially. But many doctors have long complained that Medicare does not pay them enough. And until the coronavirus came along, cuts in the reimbursement rates paid to doctors were scheduled to take place..TSCL enthusiastically supports H.R. 1902 and H.R. 2016, and we were pleased to see support grow for them this week. For more information on the status of the bills, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website. … Continued
Blog Scotus To Decide Death Penalty Mitigating Factors CaseThe Obama administration will decide soon whether to appeal Monday's injunction to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. In the meantime, TSCL will keep a close eye on the immigration discussions since the President's recent orders could result in permanent and significant obligations for the Social Security and Medicare programs down the road. We will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website..About one-in-five persons have incomes so low they receive both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid benefits can include payment of Medicare Part B premiums and cost sharing. In addition, Medicaid covers benefits that are not covered by Medicare, including nursing home care, and the family caregiving program that is enabling your disabled son and your mom to live with you instead of in a nursing home..TSCL worked hard for the Medicare Part B "roll back" last fall which prevented an even larger Part B premium spike in 2016, and stands ready to ask lawmakers to do the same in 201You can help: Contact your Representative in the House and Senators now and ask your lawmakers to take action to stop the Medicare Part B premium spike. Call your lawmakers toll free at or send an email to your Members of Congress. … Continued