Blog Tribal Traffic Safety In Focus During National Native American MonthAccording to the three Senators, under current law, the administration has the authority to allow pharmacists and wholesale retailers to import prescription drugs from Canada, where medicines are often half the price. The administration also has the power to issue an executive order that would allow individuals to import prescription drugs from Canada for their own personal use..In 2017 the COLA was just 0.3%, but the Medicare Part B premium rose to 4.00 for people like new enrollees and others who haven't started Social Security yet and pay for their Medicare by check. Once again, the Part B premium of Barbara and the vast majority of Social Security recipients was protected from reductions. Barbara's monthly Medicare premium was adjusted to 108.00, taking every penny of her tiny COLA boost..Government economists not only changed the math, they changed the underlying concept of the consumer price index itself. While the CPI formerly measured price changes of a fixed market basket of items from one period to the next, today the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses formulas more consistent with a theoretical cost-of-living concept. And because it is theoretical, it uses estimates and produces data that is subject to two revisions. … Continued
State Indicator Poverty Rate By Age CpsPetition to Congress in Support of Social Security Notch Reform.Committees Discuss Solutions to Opioid Epidemic.According to a new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office, in 2015, the weighted average net price for top-selling brand name specialty drugs in Medicare Part D was ,600 for a 30-day supply, almost twice as much as the weighted average net price of ,920 for the same drugs in Medicaid. The big difference is how drug prices are determined. … Continued