Heal Sleep Yourself HealthyI realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail..Should Medicare change from a program that guarantees coverage for a fixed set of benefits, to one that guarantees a fixed federal payment to cover a portion of beneficiaries' healthcare expenses?.While 211 Members have signed onto the House bill, critics of the legislation worry about increasing the payroll tax rate - especially on lower income workers. Lawmakers are continuing to discuss alternatives, and TSCL continues to meet with Members of Congress. TSCL's Senior Survey has found 74% of survey participants support completely lifting the taxable maximum and applying the payroll tax to all earnings. About 61% of survey participants support increasing the payroll tax rate by 1% each for workers and employers. … Continued
Blog Voter Turnout History And The StatesAnother major piece of legislation that Congress is working on, one which has been passed and been signed into law by whomever has been President for the past 59 years, is the National Defense Authorization Act. As we explained last week, that's the annual bill that authorizes the pay for members of the U.S. military as well as other important issues dealing with the Department of Defense..The U.S. currently has 21 Social Security Totalization Agreements in effect with other nations. The agreements allow workers who split their careers working in two countries to avoid double taxation on the same work. In addition, workers are allowed to combine earnings from both countries in order to qualify for Social Security benefits under one or both systems. The agreement with Mexico presumably would have a very different impact, however, for a number of reasons, including the fact that no other totalization agreement is with a country where so many of its citizens are living and working in our country illegally..If it weren't for the coronavirus and the start of the vaccination program against it the top news story would probably be the fact that Congress still can't reach a final agreement to keep the government from shutting down. As we indicated in last week's update, they had to pass another one-week Continuing Resolution last Friday in order to give them more time to try and pass the needed legislation. … Continued