Health Conditions And Treatments Eat Healthy Main Dishes Seafood HotdishThe panel discussed the following options for strengthening Social Security, among others: updating the benefit formula for low-income workers, modifying the annual cost-of-living adjustment to make it more accurate, increasing survivors' benefits, and creating caregiver credits for those who support aging parents. However, the focus of Wednesday's hearing seemed to be on addressing the insolvency of the Social Security Disability Insurance program..TSCL hopes that most of these people who lost SNAP benefits at least received emergency stimulus payments in 2020 and 2021 to help cover the loss of these benefits. But we are highly concerned that a high COLA could have similar unintended consequences for low income retirees in 2022..At what age do you think most people retire? According to the Social Security Administration, the largest group retires at age 62 with reduced benefits! Only 4% wait to start benefits at 70, the age at which they would get the maximum amount. Could the fact that most people file for Social Security benefits so early be simply because they hear so often that they can do so at 62? Does 62 become a distorting anchor on our thinking? … Continued
Thrive 29 Things To Do On Leap Day"Prior Authorization in Medicare Advantage Plans: How Often Is It Used?" Gretchen Jacobson and Tricia Neuman, Kaiser Family Foundation, October 201"Medicare Advantage Appeal Outcomes and Audit Findings Raise Concerns About Service and Payment Denials," Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, September 25, 2018..TSCL encourages all readers concerned about the future of their Social Security and Medicare benefits to Contact your Member of Congress. Let's tell Congress not to pay Social Security based on unauthorized work! Work under invalid and fraudulent Social Security numbers should be invalid for entitlement to Social Security benefits. To learn more, track bills that are in congress..Increasing the frequency of Continuing Disability Reviews. Additional funding for CDRs, which are conducted periodically to determine if enrollees still qualify for DI benefits, would return significant savings to the program according to recent projections. … Continued