U S Guidelines Take Aim At SugarOn behalf of the Board of Trustees and all TSCL members, we would like to send a hearty "thank-you," to the Members of Congress and their staff for meeting with us..My doctor prescribed a new drug but, when I tried to fill it the first time, I learned that my drug plan does not cover it. The drug cost close to 0 dollars and I could not afford that! What can I do?.Health experts caution explicitly against using cleaning products in those ways. … Continued
Health Conditions And Treatments Eat Healthy Main Dishes Seafood HotdishYears ago, drug legislation was passed that made importation of FDA approved drugs from Canada legal, but the Department of Health and Human Services secretary was required to certify the safety of the drugs. So far, no HHS secretary has been willing to do so, despite regular efforts to get importation going.."For this group of Medicare beneficiaries, this will also be the largest Medicare Part B increase in five years after premiums remained relatively flat since 2013," says Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare Policy Analyst for The Senior Citizens League. The jump in premiums is due to a special provision of law known as "hold harmless," which protected millions of Social Security recipients from reductions to their Social Security benefits in 2016 and 2017, when then the annual - cost - of - living adjustments were zero and just 0.3 percent, respectively..Put a medical emergency plan into place, before you need one: Having no plan for emergencies, especially if you live alone, or with a spouse who also needs special care means you need to have a medical emergency plan in case something happens to you. Often doctors will order observation care when you are too sick to safely go home. Although this can still occur even with the best-laid plan, you may be able to reduce the length of an observation stay if you have someone who will take care of you once you are released. … Continued