Blog Whats New From Children And Families June 2017It's clear we need to take action to protect Medicare for future generations and safeguard it against those who want to turn it into a coupon-style voucher system. For over half a century, Medicare has guaranteed older Americans' access to health care, and most seniors don't want to see something so essential endangered or gutted. But here's some good news: There are steps we can take to put Medicare on sure financial footing and build upon it to improve insurance coverage and affordability for older Americans not yet on Medicare..The U.S. is not the only country with that experience. Canada and Great Britain have had the same experience.." 'If it comes to getting my family members vaccinated, and all that's available is J&J or Novavax, I'd tell them to take it,' said Robert Hancock, president of the Texas College of Emergency Physicians." … Continued
Newsroom Regina Milk Depot Grand OpeningMA plans include Part D and other benefits: Nearly 90% of MA plans come with drug coverage and often include some additional benefits. Before switching it's important to check the MA plan coverage for the drugs you currently take and compare that coverage with your best Part D drug plan choice. If you haven't checked your Part D plan choices recently you may have less costly choices for stand-alone drug plans. The best way for you to compare MA plan and drug plan choices is to do a drug plan comparison based on the drugs you take using the drug plan finder on Medicare's website..Several provisions within the H-CARE act include; increasing payments to Rural Health Clinics, authorizing to million annually for grants to rural providers to help with the cost of implementing health information technology, requiring prompt payment to rural pharmacies by Medicare prescription drug plans and ensuring that rural Americans are appropriately represented on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission..The study examined the increase in costs of 39 key items between 2000 and January 201The items were chosen because they are typical of the costs of most Social Security recipients, and include expenditures like Medicare Part B premium, that are not measured by the index currently used to calculate the COLA. Of the 39 items analyzed, 26 increased faster than the COLA over the same period. "This study illustrates why Congress should enact legislation to provide a more fair and adequate COLA," says The Senior Citizens' Executive Director, Shannon Benton. "To put it in perspective, for every 0 worth of groceries a retiree household could afford in 2000, they can only buy worth today," Benton adds. … Continued