Senior meals: Agencies on Aging often have congregate meal programs and act to coordinate with home delivered meal programs in your area..The House of Representatives returned to work this week after the traditional August recess. The Senate, however, does not come back until next week..What if I make a donation and then become dissatisfied with TSCL?.My Social Security benefits are reduced because I receive a government pension. I started benefits at age 70. My wife worked in a private sector job and started Social Security at 6If I pass on would her Social Security survivors benefit based on my account be reduced because of my government pension? She is not eligible for benefits from my pension. My current benefit is ,320.00 versus about ,842.00 without the penalty..Annual limits on out-of-pocket costs: Unlike Medigap supplements, MA plans have annual out-of-pocket limits, which can vary and rise annually. In 2016 the maximum annual out-of-pocket that plans can charge is ,700, so your costs would need to be that much before catastrophic coverage begins. On the other hand, the limit protects you in years when you have very high out-of-pocket costs. Medigap plans may have lifetime limits that you could potentially exceed as you get older and sicker..When Your Doctor no longer takes Medicare.Giving COVID vaccines in school gymnasiums and community centers has been just as healing for those giving the shots as for those of us getting them. Our vaccine hall was bubbling with excited happy voices and laughter. The moment I entered I was struck by how strange and rare that laughter had become and how much I had missed that sound!."The measure would generally limit surprise billing in the following circumstances:.Cutting Benefits for Current Retirees or Any Americans Over Age 50: Many current retirees are already struggling financially, and people need adequate time to plan and prepare for changes to something as important as Social Security.

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This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate remained in their home states and districts for the remainder of the two-week spring recess. Both chambers are scheduled to be back in session by Tuesday, April 25th..I can't find the remote..TSCL is delivering a letter of protest to Congressional leaders outlining the tax provisions that older Americans support for strengthening Social Security. What do you think of this proposal? Take a poll at. … Continued

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Want to read more about rising costs? See, The Costs That Are Rising the Fastest for Older Americans, By Doug Whiteman, Medicare Part A is facing insolvency once again, this time around 202Health policy experts are now proposing that the revenues raised by the 3.8% net investment income tax should be "re-directed" to the Part A Trust Fund rather than the federal government's general revenue..Their platform's Social Security plan closes by saying, "Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a 'Ponzi scheme' and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age." … Continued

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