Running Is Good For Your Knees TooWhat we hope is that we will spur you to take action and make a difference in helping us protect, preserve, and improve the programs you depend so much on: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid..Under current Social Security law, that's all that's required to later claim benefits. To file for benefits, individuals don't need to be citizens, but must have a workauthorized Social Security number. Those receiving work authorization would become vested for benefits with as little as ten years of earnings. The oldest of those who are eligible for the deferred action could feasibly have worked illegally long enough to already be "vested" for Social Security — including disability. This would add to program solvency problems since the Congressional Budget Office and Social Security Trustees have estimated that the Social Security disability trust fund will be fully insolvent by 2016..Accelerate retirement account distributions when you have excess deductions. If your standard deduction will exceed your taxable income this year, consider withdrawing a little more retirement funds if you will need them this year. Doing so when you have a low or even a zero tax rate will potentially help you avoid paying more in the future when your deductions are lower or taxes rates are higher. … Continued
Statedata Mental Health And Substance Use State Fact SheetsThe Medicare Part A outlook has worsened due to both the financial impacts of COVID-19 and the high levels of people out of work. Nationwide business closures, layoffs and salary cuts, have significantly reduced the amount of revenues received by the Medicare HI trust fund over the past year, while payments to hospitals were increased 20% by emergency legislation for COVID-related care, and the elimination of cost sharing associated with COVID treatments..If your brother was a victim of auto dealer fraud, you may want to look for an attorney who would be willing to work on a contingency basis. If fraud is proven, your brother may be allowed to surrender the unwanted vehicle and the court may order a refund of all payments made toward purchase in addition to canceling any outstanding loan balances. If your brother will have trouble affording an attorney, contact your local Area Agency on Aging or senior services department and ask about legal aid services in your area..If signed into law, the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act would amend the Social Security Act with regard to the annual cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits. Currently, the COLA is based upon the spending patterns of young, urban workers using the CPI for Urban Wage Earners. This legislation would calculate the COLA based on the spending patterns of seniors by using the CPI-E. … Continued